Mining is a significant part of the basic economic foundation of every region of the United States. In 2018, the Minerals Information Team at the Department of the Interior estimated that the domestic mining industries produced $82.2 Billion worth of raw mineral commodities. Roughly one-sixth of the Nation’s GDP is attributable in some way to minerals and mining. Mining and protecting the environment are not mutually exclusive practices. Mining companies are committed to preserving the environment in which they live and work. Mining companies work collaboratively with state and federal environmental agencies and other stakeholders to adhere to regulations.
Disturbed mine lands are returned to good uses as can be seen from the hundreds of examples of reclaimed land. See More about environmental and social responsibility of mining companies. MMSA is a 501(c)(6) organization composed of senior level mining professionals. Our members are mining engineers, metallurgists, geologists, environmental engineers/specialists and other professionals who work in the mining industry in all parts of the United States. MMSA has been an advisor to Congress, was instrumental in the establishment of the former U.S. Bureau of Mines, and continues support for reasonable mining regulation. The 108 year-old organization is dedicated to promoting and improving understanding and appreciation of the role of the U.S. mining industry. You are encouraged to reach out to MMSA whenever you need information on the diverse nationwide mining industry.